Well, it has been just over one month since I moved up to Long Beach, and already the seasons have changed, turned another year older, I've written my first big girl college paper, been scared by a mysterious man standing out in my court yard after 12am, wondered home drunk with friends after attempting to tango at a mexican cantina, received my first parking ticket, watched a police helicopter circle around the ghetto with a spot light for only the god I don't believe in knows what, but I love it here. Near my apartment I'm never far from some trendy hipster coffee shop or vintage store, yet I never dare to venture into the stores for fear of my spending problems. Regardless, its presents always makes me smile.
Next to my apart there is a flower shop on the corner. When I'm lucky enough to wake up past 9am I can smell its wonderful & unknown smells as I enter into the world. And when I drive to work I choose to take Ocean Blvd, because the 5 minute chance to see the ocean makes all the choices I've made in the past months getting here worth it. What excites me most however, is the overwhelming feeling of Falls fast take over of the city. I can feel the turning in of the people and business owners, as the last few tourists and vacationers leave to return back to the world normalcy that Fall always promises. This vacuum effect sucks away the fleeting and leaves the skeleton of this city that I am being to get to see. And beneath the skeleton lays a pumping heart of busy student and business folk alike , and where "new" is never ending.
Most impressive of all however, is that unbenounced to the people or city of Long Beach, I am here. That the summers waves have not taken me away, and I am not simply a tourist. For now, I am Long beach, and Long beach is me.